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Name: Harry Barr
"Paul, what a wonderful site; clean and fresh and INFORMATIVE! It's on my bookmark list for quick access. Perhaps you'll allow me to add your web site to my list on our web page. <> Thanks for a nice visit; I'll be back. Harry."
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Name: SSGT Kenneth Berregard
"Great advice on how to make ""Perfect Wing Saddles"". I tried it out on an Easy Sport 40 and got great results. Lots of great info on the site, and just the right amount of humor added. The whole bit about dropping a VCR tape on the turtle deck, and the Cocker Spanial destroying your wing was beautiful man. Keep up the good work... SSgt Ken Berregard"
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Name: Jay Holden
"Paul, Your site is just wonderful. It brought back some sweet memories for this old modeler. A number of aircraft you have built I also have had the pleasure of building. I've been building since 1974 and have loved every minute of it. Great site and very informative. Keep it up and share some more with us. Best wishes, Jay."
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Name: Jerry Festa
"With your permission, I would like to use your link (concerning glues) in the September RCM 'Beginners' Bench' column. Jerry"
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Name: Glenn -- { wldgoos }
"Paul, this is a great site -- not only are the pics and the history interesting but the information you provide is terrific.. I not only have 'bookmarked' your site but have added it to my RC *Special* Site folder for reference.. Thanks for 'getting back to me' and thanks for letting me know about your site -- I may be a 'first time' visitor, but it surely won't be last time :) Thank You Sir.. .. .. ..____Glenn____Semper Fi___'61-'67____.."
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Name: patty
"This is a great site, the pics and the history are interesting but the information you provide is terrific. well i am also currently working on the same project you have done some what 2 years ago i.e. making unmanned aircraft. so please guide me as to how i can work it out over it."
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Name: Joey
Awesome construction examples. =) makes me wish I could do something creative like this. I just wanna say that the marsh hawk is my favorite model. =)
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Name: Martin Wallace
"Paul, A fantastic website with oodles of information - you must put a lot of time and effort into what is obviously a great passion. Good Work!"
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Name: steff
"I am very impressed Paul. This web site is a reat resource, but I like your philosophy even more. I am not very confident in building kits yet, but you said if you can learn it so can anybody else. I learned drawing portraits with 35 years after never beeing able to draw a straight line. Not just some nice portraits, but really lifelike pictures. And I still argue with my wife. She says it is talent. I say: If I can learn it so can anybody. I am glad to se the same is true for building airplanes."
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Name: Ed Zaun
"Great site and resource. I'm following your construction of the wing and can't wait until the next installment. Excellent job, you've given me something to strive for..."