I do not know when the Tamiya Panzer Kampfwagen II Ausf. F/G kit was
released, but I suspect it has been out for a long time - it looks straight out
of the 1970's.
The Panzer II is as simple
of a kit as I have ever seen, has a very low parts count and would be ideal as a
first plastic kit. It is really hard to go wrong with this one.

I have
wondered if this kit was one that got stomped by Godzilla in the
movies. Being a German tank, I doubt it, but a couple things make me
As I mentioned, the model is a very simple build.
I can't imagine the model-builders for these movies spending much time building tanks just to have some guy in a Godzilla suit trample them all or
start them on fire.
Inside the tank's hull are molded in lines that indicate at least one
version of this model was intended to have an electric motor and batteries.
My kit did not come with the parts or make any mention of this in the instructions, however.
I purchased this kit as an excuse to play with my brand new
Hansa 181 airbrush
as I have no real interest in the actual subject and had no plans to spend time
detailing or weathering it. The idea was to build it quickly, use it as a
painting exercise and then put it on the shelf.
I didn't do anything with the tracks other than glue the ends together.
I probably should go back and at least add some powdered pastel chalk "dirt"
to them so they don't look quite so silly.
I am sure this model can be built into a much more
realistic piece. In fact, it would probably be nice as a secondary subject in
a diorama.